Explore Our Best Sellers of Office Chair

Newtral Magic H Ergonomic Office Chair with Auto-following Lumbar Support


Newtral NT002 Ergonomic Home Office Chair with Auto-following Lumbar Support


Newtral NT001 Ergonomic Office Chair with Auto-following Lumbar Support


"The lumbar function in Newtral Chair is one of the most unique lumbar supports I have seen."

"Having a chair like the Newtral Magic H Chair allows you to work in a much more supported, back neutral position which allows you to get work done and avoid repetitive stress injuries. "

“From a Physical Therapists perspective, I see the Newtral Magic H Chair being very instrumental in reducing and preventing muscular strain injuries in the workplace. I would definitely recommend the Newtral Magic H chair for anyone in an office, or home setting.”

Loved by home-based workers,gamers & fluencers,

Endorsed by physiotherapists and ergonomists.

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